Accumulative Roll Bonding
The rolling mill is based on a quarto roll stand from Carl Wezel which was modernized in 2012 by hpl Neugnadenfelder Maschinenfabrik GmbH. It is used to perform the Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB) of metallic sheets as broad as 250 mm. The rolling mill is currently intensively used for the production of tailored sheet materials with ultrafine-grained microstructure based on aluminum and copper with a variety of different material combinations. In the past these unprecedented mechanical properties are also combined with particle reinforcement which clearly shows the great diversity of the ARB process and the existing rolling mill.
Verantwortliche Mitarbeiter:
Rene Hagen
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chair of General Materials Properties
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-27481
- Email: