Nanoindenter – KLA-Tencor G200
KLA-Tencor Nanoindenter G200
This device can perform instrumental hardness measurements and nanoscratch tests. It is possible to examine hardness and modulus continuously during loading and so take depth profiles.
Installed options:
- Continuous Stiffness Modul (CSM)
- XP and DCM-II gauge heads
- Nanovision stage (AFM measurements with indenter)
- High temperature cell (up to 150 °C)
- Lateral force sensors
- Nanosuite 6 software
- Maximum load 500 mN (or 30mN with DCM-II)
- Resolution depth <0.01 nm
- Resolution load 50 nN
- Positioning accouracy 1 µm (2 nm with Nanovision Stage)
Responsible employees:
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Dr. mont. Michael Wurmshuber
Group Leader Nanomechanics
Chair of General Materials Properties